E-cigarettes are the best alternatives to cigarettes. They are known by other names such as e-cigs, ANDS (alternative nicotine delivery systems, ENDS (electronic nicotine delivery systems, tank systems, vapes, and so on. They are available in many shapes and sizes and the users can choose one as per their requirements.
Relxsudjud is one such destination that is famous for offering all kinds of e-cigarettes and vapes (บุหรี่ไฟฟ้า พร้อมสูบ, term in Thai) options. They are the right place for finding many options in the world of e-cigs, as they are the direct dealers of the manufacturers. All products are 100{a6f1363dea6c7f22a947206e99215f7a554fed894409586146a18d73f3449b12} authentic and guaranteed. Visit their webpage for all the required information on the e-cigs.
Types of e-cigs
Here are many options in the world of e-cigs.
- USB flash drives
- Pens
- Cigars
- Pipes
- Cigarettes
E-cigarette units turn on when the power is switched on. When heated, the e-liquid present inside the e-cigarette heats to the required temperature. After reaching a certain temperature, the liquid turns into aerosol or vapour form. It will be then inhaled by users while vaping.
The vapour form of e-liquid is inhaled through the mouthpiece that is attached to the e-cigarette unit. Any flavour of e-liquid that is available to use for e-cig does not contain tobacco in them. However, nicotine might be used while preparing some flavours of e-liquid, and inhaling such liquids might add nicotine to the body.
Smoking and Vaping
Smoking is a way of inhaling tobacco into the body directly. Tobacco leaves will be moulded into the form of cigarettes for the smokers to enjoy the potent flavour of tobacco. These are concentrated flavours and can damage the lungs when smoked continuously.
Vaping is a way of using e-cigarettes to inhale the flavours of the choice of the users. The aerosol form of the e-liquids will enter directly into the lungs and yet will not cause severe damage to the lungs. The e-liquid flavours will not be as potent as the regular cigarettes.
Both the forms of inhaling nicotine, e-cigarettes, or cigarettes are not healthy for the users. However, when compared to cigarettes, e-cigarettes are the best choice as the e-liquids will not contain concentrated levels of nicotine in them. Cigarettes and e-cigarettes both can cause damage to the people that stay near smokers.
Long Term Effects
The long-term effects of smoking cigarettes and e-cigarettes both can result in some severe health damages such as,
- Risk of stroke
- Reduction in the sperm count
- Blockages in arteries and veins
- Chances of cataracts
- Triggering the asthma attack
- Impairment in the functioning of the immune system
- Chances of cancerous development in some body parts such as kidneys, lungs, stomach, and so on
- Increase in the inflammation
Quitting Smoking and E-Cigarettes
E-cigarettes are the best way of reducing the chances of the development of nicotine addiction in the form of cigarette smoking. These e-cigarette units can help people that have fallen into the clutches of tobacco and nicotine addiction to slowly get rid of their smoking addiction.
However, e-cigarettes can never be used as an alternative to smoking cigarettes or cigars.