October is Long-Term Care Planning Month, and everyone should take some time to evaluate their situation in case they may soon require the need of long-term care. Most people think of long-term care as being for older adults as they deal with the physical decline due to aging. While this is the most common need, it is not the only one. Long-term care may also become a need after serious injury or surgery and rehabilitation. Long before the need arises, everyone should consider a few questions about how to handle their medical care.
Has all personal information been gathered?
Often when a serious medical issue occurs, the affected individual is not able to gather or share information as quickly as it may be needed by a medical team. Everyone should have a file containing personal information in case they are unable to relay that information for themselves. It should contain full name, date of birth, and contact information for family members and friends available for support as well as contact information for their physicians and attorney.
What is the financial situation?
The amount of monthly income from social security, pension, employment, and other sources will determine how much care can be afforded. Assets and liabilities should be listed and available to be reviewed on a regular basis for accuracy.
Has this information been communicated to family members?
Having the above information gathered won’t do any good if there isn’t at least one family member or extremely close friend who can access it quickly when the need arises. In addition to personal information, it may be helpful for the friend or family member to have access to a copy of the most recent bank statement, investment records, retirement plan statements, real estate deeds or mortgage information, vehicle title or loan information, insurance policies, and military service papers, if applicable.
Are long-term care insurance benefits available?
Most medical insurance plans do not cover any care that handles activities of daily living unless performed by a skilled professional already in the home to administer medication or therapy. Long-term care insurance is extremely beneficial in these cases.
What long-term care is needed?
Some individuals need someone to come by once or twice a week to make sure the trash has been taken out, laundry has been done, and the house is generally in good order. Some will need daily care to help with hygiene and dressing needs. Knowing where you’re starting and where you might be progressing to will help determine the type of care that your loved one will need now and into the future.
Long-term care can feel complicated, but to the professionals at Griswold Home Care Orlando, it is second nature. With over 40 years of experience in home care, they can refer caregivers who are experienced, trustworthy, and reliable. Griswold Home Care was founded on the values of empathy, compassion, and care. Their purpose is to give people the help they need to live in the place they love. They are available to discuss your needs with you and show you how they can assist you and your loved one. Call them today at (407) 638-8116 to learn more about how they can help you and your loved one get set up with long-term care.